Death & Rebirth Prayer Candle

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This candle is Alchemy Strong, Initiative, Self Empowering Alchemy. I created this Scorpio Full Moon 7 day intention candle with the current planetary story being read to Earth. We have Pluto in the sky who brings about death and rebirth recently go retrograde. Our attention has turn inward into scourging out any toxic ill behaved habits we have.

This energy is being streamed for us to remove blockages within our mind body and spirit. A total demise of the old world we were a part off. This begins in our thoughts, words, and our spoken word. We are undergoing a purification process to strip ourselves clean from old paradigms. old patterns and old poor ways of thinking. It’s time to burn off the old life Dated timelines Dated beliefs Dated limitations Old paradigms keeping you stuck and immobile The staying power of Pluto’s energy is once it has completely vanished a shadow from existence it never is spoken off again. It does not turn back. It does not look back From this moment on it’s the new you integrating into the new earth 🌍 Take this energy and walk through Use the universe as a guiding light through the darkness and pain this full moon and Pluto rx is bringing forth. Outside awaits a world where divine magic lives and breathes, where our new language becomes images, intuition and faith.

Herbal Mix: This soy based wax was made with a strong herbal combination complimenting Scorpio's energy. The herbs used are Astrologically ruled by Pluto fortifying a temperature just right for the work it's intended to do. Once you ignite your candle you will smell the combination of Clove, Chamomile and Scotch Pine Divinely dancing with my anointing oil named Scorpio's Blood an essential oil mix of Orange Peel, All Spice, Rose Petals, Cedar-wood and Patchouli.

Special notes: alchemy is time and space. Therefore true alchemy works around cycles, patterns and divine distribution. This Scorpio full moon candle is coming through to you after a 2 year culmination process. It was asked to be announced to the world in 2020. look for *17 degrees Scorpio in your natal chart to see where this full moon is highlighting your chart and to see what you need to let go off.

Please burn candle in a safe environment. Do not leave a burning candle unattended.

All Brilla Samay products are handmade and hand crafted using the highest quality ingredients in the market.